Web Browser
ALI applications can be used with Internet Explorer since (and including...) Version 6, Firefox since Version 3, Safari since Version 3 and Google Chrome.
ALI solutions can be hosted on Mac OS X, on several Linux platforms, FreeBSD 7.1/i386 and virtual platforms.
Third Party Components
ALI solutions require a database management system (MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle). They require an Email system (like sendmail/procmail). As Webservers Mongrel, Nginx and Apache are supported.
Export and Import
ALI applications feature the export, external modification and reimport of selected parts of the data model without vendor interference and by using a non-proprietary data format.
Informational Aspects
ALI applications allow a simple navigation of complex data models. They utilize well-known interface elements, that require no training for new users.